84 research outputs found

    SpectroMap: Peak detection algorithm for audio fingerprinting

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    We present SpectroMap, an open source GitHub repository for audio fingerprinting written in Python programming language. It is composed of a peak search algorithm that extracts topological prominences from a spectrogram via time-frequency bands. In this paper, we introduce the algorithm functioning with two experimental applications in a high-quality urban sound dataset and environmental audio recordings to describe how it works and how effective it is in handling the input data.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluation of optimal solutions in multicriteria models for intelligent decision support

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    La memoria se enmarca dentro de la optimización y su uso para la toma de decisiones. La secuencia lógica ha sido la modelación, implementación, resolución y validación que conducen a una decisión. Para esto, hemos utilizado herramientas del análisis multicrerio, optimización multiobjetivo y técnicas de inteligencia artificial. El trabajo se ha estructurado en dos partes (divididas en tres capítulos cada una) que se corresponden con la parte teórica y con la parte experimental. En la primera parte se analiza el contexto del campo de estudio con un análisis del marco histórico y posteriormente se dedica un capítulo a la optimización multicriterio en el se recogen modelos conocidos, junto con aportaciones originales de este trabajo. En el tercer capítulo, dedicado a la inteligencia artificial, se presentan los fundamentos del aprendizaje estadístico , las técnicas de aprendizaje automático y de aprendizaje profundo necesarias para las aportaciones en la segunda parte. La segunda parte contiene siete casos reales a los que se han aplicado las técnicas descritas. En el primer capítulo se estudian dos casos: el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia) y un sistema objetivo para la asignación del premio MVP en la NBA. En el siguiente capítulo se utilizan técnicas de inteligencia artificial a la similitud musical (detección de plagios en Youtube), la predicción del precio de cierre de una empresa en el mercado bursátil de Nueva York y la clasificación automática de señales espaciales acústicas en entornos envolventes. En el último capítulo a la potencia de la inteligencia artificial se le incorporan técnicas de análisis multicriterio para detectar el fracaso escolar universitario de manera precoz (en la Universidad Industrial de Santander) y, para establecer un ranking de modelos de inteligencia artificial de se recurre a métodos multicriterio. Para acabar la memoria, a pesar de que cada capítulo contiene una conclusión parcial, en el capítulo 8 se recogen las principales conclusiones de toda la memoria y una bibliografía bastante exhaustiva de los temas tratados. Además, el trabajo concluye con tres apéndices que contienen los programas y herramientas, que a pesar de ser útiles para la comprensión de la memoria, se ha preferido poner por separado para que los capítulos resulten más fluidos

    An academic performance indicator using flexible multi-criteria methods

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    Composite indicators are a very useful tool for conveying summary information on the overall performance of institutions and facilitating decision-making. Increasingly, there is a demand for indicators that allow performance to be assessed after the implementation of a strategy. This has several difficulties, and in this paper, we address three of them: how to evaluate at different points in time, how to estimate the weighting of the criteria and how to normalize the data. Our proposal is based on multicriteria techniques, using a recent method, uwTOPSIS, and is applied to data collected from 2975 students enrolled in the first year of science and engineering at the Industrial University of Santander (Colombia) from the first semester of 2016 to the first semester of 2019. In the paper, we show that our proposal makes it possible to measure and evaluate the academic performance of students at two points in time, and this allows the University to know whether its student support policy has been successful and to what degree it has been effective. Due to the large amount of data handled, data management has been done using R programming language, and model implementation has been done with Python

    Prevalência de consumo de álcool nas pessoas com diagnóstico de Diabetes Mellitus tipo - 2

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    Este estudo epidemiológico, de tipo descritivo, buscou conhecer a prevalência de consumo de álcool em pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2). A amostragem foi probabilística, irrestrita e aleatória, com uma amostra de 108 pessoas. Utilizou-se uma Cédula de identificação e o instrumento AUDIT. A prevalência de consumo de álcool alguma vez na vida foi de 62% (IC95%; 53,0-71,0), 53,7% no último ano (IC95; 44,0-63,0), no último mês foi de 47,2% (IC95%; 38,0-57,0), e na última semana de 35,2% (IC95%; 26,0-44,0). De acordo com o tipo de consumo de álcool, se destaca que 19,0% relatou consumo sensato (IC95%, 9,0-29,0), 32.8% consumo dependente (IC95%, 20,0 - 45,0) e 48,3% consumo danoso (IC95%, 35,0 -62,0).This epidemiological and descriptive study aimed to know the prevalence of alcohol consumption in people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM). Unrestricted, random and aleatory sampling was used and consisted of 108 people. An identification card and the AUDIT instrument were used. The prevalence of alcohol consumption at least once in life was of 62% (CI95%; 53.0-71.0), 53.7% in the last year (CI 95; 44.0-63.0), 47.2% (CI 95%; 38.0-57.0) in the last month and 35.2% (CI95%; 26.0-44.0) in the last week. According to the type of alcohol consumption, it is stated that 19.0% reported reasonable consumption (CI95%, 9.0-29.0), 32.8% dependent consumption (CI 95%, 20.0 - 45.0) and 48.3% harmful consumption (CI95%, 35.0 -62.0).El propósito del estudio fue conocer la prevalencia de consumo de alcohol en personas con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DMT2). El estudio fue epidemiológico, de tipo descriptivo. El muestreo fue probabilístico, irrestricto y aleatorio, con una muestra de 108 personas. Se utilizó una Cedula de identificación y el instrumento AUDIT. La prevalencia de consumo de alcohol alguna vez en la vida fue del 62% (IC95%; 53.0-71.0), el 53.7% en el último año (IC95; 44.0-63.0), en el último mes 47.2% (IC95%; 38.0-57.0), y en la última semana de 35.2% (IC95%; 26.0-44.0). De acuerdo al tipo de consumo de alcohol se destaca que el 19.0% reportó consumo sensato (IC95%, 9.0-29.0), el 32.8% consumo dependiente (IC95%, 20.0 - 45.0) y el 48.3% consumo dañino (IC95%, 35.0 -62.0)

    Hernia atípica de la región inguinal: comunicación de un caso

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    ResumenIntroducciónLas hernias periinguinales, parainguinales y spigelianas bajas son hernias que pertenecen al grupo de las hernias ventrolaterales, también llamadas suprainguinales.Caso clínicoVarón de 32 años con tumoración en región inguinal derecha. Encontramos una hernia periinguinal de 1.5cm, a 1.5cm por arriba del anillo profundo. Se realizó cierre primario del defecto. Además se visualizó una hernia indirecta de 7.5×2cm. Se efectuó resección del saco, ligadura alta y técnica de Lichtenstein.DiscusiónDada la rareza de las hernias periinguinales, su clasificación, diagnóstico y tratamiento continúan en debate.AbstractIntroductionPeri-inguinal, para-inguinal and low spigelian hernias belong to the group of ventrolateral hernias, also called suprainguinal hernias.Case report32-year-old male with a mass in the right inguinal region; we found a peri-inguinal hernia defect of 1.5 centimeters to 1.5 centimeters above the deep ring. We developed primary closure of the defect, plus indirect hernia of 7.5 ×2 centimeters performing resection of the sac, high ligation and Lichtenstein technique.DiscussionGiven the rarity of peri-inguinal hernias, their classification, diagnosis and management continues to be debated

    Emociones políticas y virtudes epidémicas en el siglo XVIII

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    El proyecto se propone abrir nuevas vías en la enseñanza de las Humanidades en la UCM mediante la práctica de una historia de las ideas del siglo XVIII que atiende a los condicionantes materiales de la cultura y a la valoración de las emociones como índices de construcción de imágenes de lo privado y lo público. El proyecto pretende, por un lado, explorar los mecanismos materiales de producción de ideas y creencias compartidas por la sociedad del siglo XVIII, teniendo en cuenta los diferentes contextos de la Ilustración Francesa, Alemana, Judía y Escocesa, con especial atención a la formación de metáforas políticas y a las emociones estéticamente más aceptadas y difundidas en la época analizada. La otra dimensión estudiada por el proyecto se refiere a los procesos de configuración de lo público y la crítica intelectual del poder, tomando como instrumento de análisis la comunicación de ideas materializada en la correspondencia, en la prensa, en los libros y en el proyecto de la Enciclopedia. Este programa de trabajo tendrá como principal destinatario el alumnado de Grado, Máster y Doctorado de la UCM, al que se invitará a las sesiones de trabajo del equipo, especialmente al matriculado en las asignaturas impartidas durante el curso 2016/17 por la IP. El proyecto reúne a destacados especialistas de la UCM y de otras universidades madrileñas y españolas, además de contar entre sus miembros con estudiantes de doctorado, que propiciarán la difusión de las actividades entre los estudiantes UCM, y con personal de administración y servicios, a los que se asignarán tareas relacionadas con la difusión y transferencia de los resultados del proyecto, a la sociedad, a la comunidad universitaria UCM y a los estudiantes Erasmus que reciba en el curso 2016/17 la Facultad de Filosofía de la UCM

    Minecraft para diseños HDL: flujo de síntesis de Verilog para circuitos de redstone

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    Memoria ID-076. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2019-2020.[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es crear un espacio virtual mediante la utilización de tecnología Minecraft que permita al estudiante aumentar el contenido académico relacionado con los conocimientos impartidos en las distintas ramas de las asignaturas de electrónica-física de la Universidad de Salamanca

    Inside the Outbreak of the 2009 Influenza A (H1N1)v Virus in Mexico

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    Influenza viruses pose a threat to human health because of their potential to cause global disease. Between mid March and mid April a pandemic influenza A virus emerged in Mexico. This report details 202 cases of infection of humans with the 2009 influenza A virus (H1N1)v which occurred in Mexico City as well as the spread of the virus throughout the entire country.From May 1st to May 5th nasopharyngeal swabs, derived from 751 patients, were collected at 220 outpatient clinics and 28 hospitals distributed throughout Mexico City. Analysis of samples using real time RT-PCR revealed that 202 patients out of the 751 subjects (26.9%) were confirmed to be infected with the new virus. All confirmed cases of human infection with the strain influenza (H1N1)v suffered respiratory symptoms. The greatest number of confirmed cases during the outbreak of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1)v were seen in neighbourhoods on the northeast side of Mexico City including Iztapalapa, Gustavo A. Madero, Iztacalco, and Tlahuac which are the most populated areas in Mexico City. Using these data, together with data reported by the Mexican Secretariat of Health (MSH) to date, we plot the course of influenza (H1N1)v activity throughout Mexico.Our data, which is backed up by MSH data, show that the greatest numbers of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) cases were seen in the most populated areas. We speculate on conditions in Mexico which may have sparked this flu pandemic, the first in 41 years. We accept the hypothesis that high population density and a mass gathering which took in Iztapalapa contributed to the rapid spread of the disease which developed in three peaks of activity throughout the Country

    Informe de Política Monetaria - Octubre 2020

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    Recent data suggest that the technical staff’s appraisals of the condition and development of economic activity, inflation and the labor market have been in line with current trends, marked by a decline in demand and the persistence of ample excess productive capacity. A significant projected fall in output materialized in the second quarter, contributing to a decline in inflation below the 3% target and reflected in a significant deterioration of the labor market. A slow recovery in output and employment is expected to continue for the remainder of 2020 and into next year, alongside growing inflation that should remain below the target. The Colombian economy is likely to undergo a significant recession in 2020 (GDP contraction of 7.6%), though this may be less severe than projected in the previous report (-8.5%). Output is expected to have begun a slow recovery in the second half of this year, though it is not projected to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2021 amid significant global uncertainty. The output decline in the first half of 2020 was less severe than anticipated, thanks to an upward revision in first-quarter GDP and a smaller contraction in the second quarter (-15.5%) than had been projected (-16.5%). Available economic indicators suggest an annual decline in GDP in the third quarter of around 9%. No significant acceleration of COVID-19 cases that would imply a tightening of social distancing measures is presumed for the remainder of this year or in 2021. In that context, a gradual opening of the economy would be expected to continue, with supply in sectors that have been most affected by the pandemic recovering slowly as restrictions on economic activity continue to be relaxed. On the spending side, an improvement in consumer confidence, suppressed demand for goods and services, low interest rates, and higher expected levels of foreign demand should contribute to a recovery in output. A low base of comparison would also help explain the expected increase in GDP in 2021. Based on the conditions laid out above, economic growth in 2020 is expected to be between -9% and -6.5%, with a central value of -7.6%. Growth in 2021 is projected to be between 3% and 7%, with a central value of 4.6% (Graph 1.1). Upward revisions compared to the July report take into account a lower-than-expected fall in first-semester growth and a somewhat faster recovery in the third quarter in some sectors. The forecast intervals for 2020 and 2021 growth tightened somewhat but continue to reflect a high degree of uncertainty over theevolution of the pandemic, the easures required to deal with it, and their effects on global and domestic economic activity.Box 1. Evaluation of the Predictive Capacity of Expected Inflation Measures. Authors: César Anzola-Bravo, Anderson Grajales-Olarte, Alexander Guarín-López, Julián Camilo Mateus-Gamboa, Jonathan Alexander Muñoz-Martínez, Carlos Andrés Quicazán-Moreno, Juan Sebastián Rojas-Moreno, Cristhian Hernando Ruiz-CardozoBox 2. Literature Review: Weighing the Drivers of Portfolio Flows to Emerging Market Economies. Authors: Andrés Sánchez-Jabb